Frequently Asked 房间里选择 Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that often come up regarding 房间里选择. We've tried to organize them by category a bit, so please be sure to visit each of the links below for information about each topic.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Student Affairs office at 605.274.5215 or by email at studentaffairs@奥吉.edu



Q:  I'm a current first year student, can I live with my friend who is a current 3rd year student?
是的!  你可以和任何年级的学生合住.

Q:  I want to live in a Wagoner suite with my 3 friends.  我们四个人能一起报名吗?
A:  If you and 3 others are hoping to live in a suite together, you can show up as a group of 4 (whoever has the best timeslot).  However, once Wagoner is full then you will no longer be able to sign up as a group of 4.  Once Wagoner is filled/there are no longer suites available, then students will have to come back during their originally scheduled time. 

Q: I will be studying abroad during the fall semester. 我该怎么办??
A:你可以发邮件到studentaffairs@奥吉.让我们了解你的情况.  We will help you identify a space for the Spring.

Q: What happens if there aren’t any rooms left when I go through on 房间里选择 Day?
A:别慌!  We anticipate having enough housing space for those that need it.  If you do not get your first choice in housing, please add your name to the waitlist.  如果有候补名单的话, 通常, 6月中旬至7月初, we have housed most folks on our waiting list  There is never a guarantee, 当然, 我们能给你提供一个位置, but we try very hard to get everyone housed.

Q:  What if I don't get the kind of housing I wanted?
A: During 房间里选择 Day, you can add your name to wait lists after signing up for a room. 当移位发生时, 这每年都不可避免地发生, 我们会联系名单上的学生, 按照他们报名的顺序, and offer whatever spaces become available. If you have further concerns about housing for the next year, please contact the Student Affairs office.



A:  Augustana requires all first and second-year students to live on campus.  你的高中毕业日期, not your academic classification based upon credits, is used to determine your classification in relation to the two-year residency requirement.  12bet游戏平台的 居住要求 了解更多信息.

Q: I'm currently a first-year student but will be a junior by credits at the start of next year. Am I eligible to sign up for East Hall, the apartments, or theme houses?
答:没有. 作房屋用途, your class year is determined by the year you graduated high school, 不是按学分计算的.

Q:  How do I get approval to move off-campus if I am a first- or second-year student?
A:请访问 住校外 for information about off-campus approvals.



Q: Do I have to sign a 住房合同 on 房间里选择 Day?
是的!  Everyone who signs up for a space on-campus will need to fill out a 住房合同 on 房间里选择 Day.

Q:  Can I cancel my 住房合同 if I change my mind about living on campus?
A:  First- and second-year students are required to live on campus unless approved by Student Affairs. Third-years students and above may cancel their housing by June 1 of the contract year without penalty. 6月1日以后, students who cancel will receive a $400 cancellation fee and forfeiture of their $100 housing deposit.



Q: Who can live in apartments or theme houses?
A: These housing options are available to third-year students and above.

Q: What if I am married or have a family? 我们能住在校园里吗?
A:是的,可以! 科斯特洛大厅 is an apartment complex designed with you in mind. Costello houses married students, students with families, and graduate students. 如果你对科斯特洛大厅感兴趣, please contact Student Affairs to inquire about availability and the application process.

Q:  What housing options are available to me?

  • Bergsaker - available to first year (floors 1 & 2层)和高年级学生(3层) & 4)
    • 灵活的住房 will be on the 1st floor, east wing of Bergsaker
  • East Hall - available to 3rd year students and above  
  • Granskou - available to upper class students only
  • Stavig Hall - available to first year students only
  • Tuve - available to first year (3rd floor) and upper class students (2nd floor).  
  • Wagoner - available to first year (2nd floor) and upper class students (3rd floor)
    • Diverse Perspectives themed community  will be on the 1st floor of Wagoner



A: Single rooms are designated throughout Tuve, East, Bergsaker, and Granskou Halls. Available single rooms are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis during 房间里选择 Day. If a single room is available when you are permitted to select a space on 房间里选择 Day, 你可以这样做. 如果没有单人房的话, you will be expected to select a space in a double room, but can be placed on a single room waiting list. 如果有单人房的话, we will contact you via phone call and Augie email to confirm your asignment change.
